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Lions and Rhinos and Jackals, oh my!

When we set off this morning at 7:30am from Thika to visit Ol Pajeta Nature Conservatory for the weekend, I didn't know that we'd be visiting heaven! Four hours later, we pulled up to Sweetwaters, a tent resort. After being welcomed with cold hand towels and fresh fruit juice, we were paired up and led to different tent "rooms" that look out onto sprawling savannah land stretched beneath Mt. Kenya complete with zebra, waterbuck, warthogs and a watering hole. After settling in to our incredible home for the night, we set out in our pop-top vans to go see the animals.

Highlights from the day include:

  • Crossing the equator! Several times…
  • Fighting off the highway souvenir vendors at the equator which at one point were attempting to hook me into their shop by offing to trade items for my pony tail holder.
  • Watching a pride of lionesses lounging in the sun together.
  • Loosing a spare tire off the back of one of our vans and watching driver Joseph get out and stick it back on.
  • Spotting a mail and female lion pair at their mating grounds… we left quickly out of respect.
  • Figuring out that the place where we lost a tire and watch Joseph walk around outside the vehicle was less 50 yards from where we later discovered the pair of lions. 
  • Catching shots of a true African sunset
  • Watching a full moon come up from behind Mt. Kenya
  • Returning to my room after dinner to find my bed turned down with a heated water bag. I snuggled down in an overflow of blankets, feather comforter, pillows, and warmth. :)

Amazing home for the night

Our lavish tent!

Our view

Ready to safari!


  1. I like your tent. Looks like a great place to stay.


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