Karibu! No not the
animal, the Swahili word meaning 'welcome'. Today was significant in that I
finally felt welcome as part of the community at joytown and no longer a
visitor. I've built relationships with the BethanyKids therapists and am able
to recognize/name a large portion of the kids. At the end of the school day
around 3:30, we have an ever growing number of kids inching into our work
building and crowding around our stations, usually centered around a computer.
I guess I never really expected to build friendships with therapists at
Joytown, my perception of it was always centered around the research and the
children. However, I am so glad for our relationships so far!
Today we continued
with data collection but with the interesting component of the mobile clinic
visiting day. Surprisingly, besides moving the location of our 10:30 tea and
1:00 lunch, the clinic did not interfere one bit. On the contrary, it provided
some awesome opportunity for conversation especially for Connor (a young friend
with Spina Bifida who is traveling with us) and his mother.
Tomorrow wraps up
the second week of data collection in Kenya. I can't believe it!
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