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Getting ready for take off...

So its the night before I leave on a grand month-long adventure to Kenya. 

In less than 24 hours I will be in London.


I keep trying to go through everything in my head: Do I have it all packed? Do I have the too much stuff packed? Did I forget to do something before I leave the country? My malaria meds are in that one bag... The sunscreen is in there too... My passport still hasn't disappeared from my backpack no mater how many times I frantically check for it...

Okay, I think I'm good. 

I'm definitely not worried about the trip itself, actually being in Kenya and all. In fact, I'm pretty dang excited. I think I'm mostly worried about packing the right things, if you couldn't tell already. My clothes and stuff is split between one check bag and one carry-on duffle bag with some wiggle room in each for Wheels equipment. I hope my duffle bag meets the carry-on measurements. I should probably look for that online... 

The team is meeting tomorrow morning to divide and conquer the gear into our individual baggage. The plan is to meet in the Wheels lab around 10:00am to divide, pack, eat lunch, and then load up in a van for Dallas. We hope to get to DFW airport a couple hours in advance of our 6:45pm departure. 

So, DFW at 6:45pm to London Heathrow at 9:35am. I signed up to get the "asian vegetarian" in-flight meal. Pretty exciting. :) I plan to spread my time among sleeping, finishing up a book report, and preparing a testimony about going on missions to be presented to a church we are visiting our first Sunday in Kenya.

The plan is to spend two nights in London and then catch a flight to Nairobi on Saturday. From then we'll be stationed at the SACDEP center in Thika, Kenya and traveling back and forth to Joytown Primary School during the day. Last day in Kenya is scheduled to be June 2nd. We'll catch flights back through London and arrive in Dallas on the 3rd.

It really is happening. I hope I can get enough wits and good sleep in me before I leave. I have a feeling I will need it.


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